Saturday, 2 August 2014

Discourses-----Day 13 December 7, 1939 It was afternoon. Thakur was talking with a Kirtan singer, Babuballav Goswami by name. Thakur said, “Some seed falls on rocks, some among brambles, and some on good ground. It is the same libido at work. Everything depends on where it strikes and gets set. Once it gets properly set on a Sat-Guru, the job is done.” Pointing to one of us, Thakur said, “You with your digging remarks, if you could use them for the sake of Ideal, you would be pouring honey into people’s ears. Some weep out of repentance. If they could do it for Ideal, they would flood many, to put it mildly. There is no need to curb passion and anger ; rather, the greater they wax the better. All that is necessary is to regulate them for Ideal’s use. If they are obliterated, with what can one do the work of Ideal ? And religion too has its acid test here. ‘I worship daily, I love God ; yet my skill and agility are not what they should be. I am enjoying an abundance of life.’ What is this ? If I fall into such a plight, I must know that there is something radically wrong with me. Whether one is looking for wealth or not, wealth is bound to embrace one who walks in the path of Ideal. Wealth that has service for its foundation is proof that a man is leading a genuinely religious life. That is why it has been said in Chitanya Charitamrita : ‘Wealth and light pervade this world entire. For love that’s void of riches I have not least desire.’ But one who loves his Ideal in order to attain a certain position or level, or for the sake of gaining wealth, does not set anywhere. It is even said, ‘The desire for liberation is the worst of all obsessions.’ Everything settles down if one’s fancy falls upon Ideal. Love for his sake sprouts in Yaajan. All spheres of the brain become active in Yaajan. Knots and obsessions built around petty desires gradually work loose.” After a long discussion Thakur concluded, “There used to be a Bharadwaj University, Basistha University, Shandilya University, etc. These will have to be built up again for the revival of culture,” Sri Sri Thakur talked a long time to Goswami in this vein. Afterwards Goswami came to us and said, “I am a religious instructor to thousands. Narrating sacred literature is my profession. I have seen lots of holy men and pandits. But it is for the first time that today I have understood the real import of Dharma, and I know I shall not get again such a guide in my effort for becoming. So I have decided to take initiation this very day. I have been misinterpretingmany things. Now I shall have the chance to correct them.” Sri Sri Thakur was sitting on a cane stool under a thatched shed. Kestoda, Gopalda and others were standing by. All of a sudden Sri Sri Thakur’s teacher came by. Thakur stood up out of reverence and called for a chair. The tutor took the chair brought by Gopalda, after which Sri Sri Thakur resumed his seat. In the course of conversation Thakur said, “I used to meditate excessively. Meditation without activity led to some strange insensitiveness. It was as though I could feel no sensation, good or bad, happy or sorrowful. The tremor of life that had been mine left me. I became something like solid. That was a veritable hell, then I began to put my mind to work, and then any original condition returned. Children who do not take any interest in domestic affairs, or who are otherwise not actively engaged suffer also an impairment of receptivity for studies in their brains. Those who have urged to give something to their parents are bound to rise. In those who do not do anything for their parents and family but go about doing things for neighbours some abnormality has crept in. And over –zealous, excessive sympathy for women speaks of mere sexual throbbing.” Sri Sri Thakur asked me, “Did you do Swastyayani yesterday ?” I answered, “Yes”. Thakur said of me to someone standing by, “He is unable to beg. He is quite incapable of it.” Kestoda said, “Eight fetters fall off in begging.” Sri Sri Thakur : “It is very true Begging for Ideal builds and expand a man from within.”

Sunday, 27 July 2014

MEANING OF SURRENDER (CONVERSATION WITH PROF. BOB CUMMING) =================================== 12th August,1964. Nirala Nibesh, Thakur bunglow. Robert(Bob) : What happens when one has surrendered himself to the Ishta (ideal)? Thakur: Then, the concern towards the Ishta becomes prominent in his life. His eyes, nose, face everything reaveals the sayings and features of the Ishta. Sadhana comes to him automatically. He experiences visuals and feelings. He wants everything of Ishta to be perfectly beautiful and acts accordingly. The word 'SURRENDER' has two parts: 'SUR' means above and 'RENDER' means 'to give'. I have submitted myself on the feet of Ishta that means I have become completely HIS own. To surrender to Christ means to accept Christ. Why have I accepted HIM? Only to love and serve HIM. Hence Christ lies above everything. Surrender is the topmost position of love. Your each and every facial expression shall witness your love towards HIM, and you shall act automatically. Untottering love towards the Ishta shall make you like that. . . . . Robert Bob Cumming became spell-bound by listening to Thakur. After spending a few days at the Ashram, he took initiation from Respected Sushil da on 27th August, 1964. As Diksha-pranami Professor Cumming reverendly submitted a large Moonstone in Thakur's hands. Thakur took it in hands and asked to hand it over to S.S Boroma. Boroma took it in her hands and said, "What is this thing? It's so beautiful! " After doing pranam to Thakur and Baroma, Bob Cumming said, "Thakur, you guide me." To this Thakur smilingly replied, "YOU LOVE ME AND THAT LOVE WILL DICTATE YOU HOW TO BE GUIDED." ¤NOTE: Professor Robert Bob Cumming was an American devotee of Thakur and a professor. He helped the author (Sri Manilal Chakraborty) in editorial work of 'The Message'. Ref.[Smritir Maala] by Sri Manilal Chakraborty. Jaiguru.

WHY DID GOD CREATE SO MUCH DIFFERENCES? ===================================== Q: All the discords in the world arise from Differences. Why did God create so many differences in this world? Thakur: In the absence of any differences we could not even feel each other. If only I exist, nothing exists except me, then it seems as if my existence is also not there, and if present also, I can not feel it. That is why there is the need of exclusiveness. Through the cooperation of many distinct individuals, each distinction survives. No one can survive individually (without cooperation from others). But if we get interested in the Divine Unity, then inspite of the differences, we enjoy one another, we enjoy to grow, and grow to enjoy. Ref.[Alochana Prasange,Vol.7,page.13,4th edn]

INITIATION OF ELITES THE NEED OF THE HOUR ===============­===============­=== MEANING OF INITIATION: "The practice through which capability of a person increases is known as Initiation." Ref. [Diprakshi, vol. 3, page 207] INITIATE THE ELITES! "You people should work in such a manner that the elites of higher level and higher calibre get initiated and self-willingly get engaged in the propitious service towards the Ideal and the environment. You are initiating only those people who are mentally at a lower plane than you. Often, you initiate the men who are at a lower level than you because in this way, you are getting their admiration very easily. No mental toil is required in this case. You may become very happy by initiating a weak-minded man by telling him some illogical miraculous story. But the conviction which is required and sprouts up to initiate a superior type man is missing in this case (of initiating a weak minded man). That is the reason that you people are not growing." [Alochana Prasange,Vol.6,p.5,4th ed.] "Of course I am not saying to stop the mass-initiationprocess. That, you should do but 'mass' and 'class' are like two wings of the movement. If the balance gets disturbed, the whole progress of the movement shall be affected." [Alochana Prasange, Vol.6,p.6,4th ed] Question: Is it a must to take initiation? Thakur: There are various complexes and passions present in us. The more these complexes increases, the more endangered becomes our existence. By taking and practising initiation, the road towards the uphold of existence opens up. Ref [Alochana Prasange, Alochana, Poush, 1396]

The memorable message from Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (The Then CM of West Bengal) in regard to Satsang Organisation: “I know that Satsang of Pabna has been carrying on philanthropic and educational work with great distinction amongst the people of Bengal and India, irrespective of caste, creed and community. Any help to Satsang would help the cause of Indian People.” Sd./ B.C.Roy Chief Minister, West Bengal, 16th August, 1948. [Excerpts from “Mahamanaber Sagartire” (2nd Part) by Kumar Krishna Bhattacharya] The another memorable message from Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (The Then CM of West Bengal) in regard to Satsang Organisation: “Satsang is a unique institution of its kind and there has been at Satsang an unusual combination of the spiritual and material and the institution is a genuine sustained attempt to secure the best of the old and the new, the Eastern and the Western to balance education with industry and to enshrine the brotherhood of man. Owing to the political changes in the country the institution is confronted with serious problem of rehabilitation.As the institution is doing substantial work in education, industry, art, social service and religion for the benefit of the country, it has become necessary that everyone should help it with all his might.” Sd./ B.C.Roy Chief Minister, West Bengal, 13th Sept.1948. [Excerpts from “Mahamanaber Sagartire” (2nd Part) by Kumar Krishna Bhattacharya]

CHASTITY (सतीत्व) OF WOMEN ===================================== Q: In many women, chastity(SATITWA) is still intact. Thakur: Look around carefully,most of the cases are of 'chidden chastity'. It means that it is not spontaneous and natural. Maybe because of the fear of public-disrepute, they are maintaining their chastity physically, but it is far from the original chastity which normally means devotion towards the husband with all mind, body and conduct. If that adherence towards the husband is present, she starts thinking her husband as her own existence. The attachment which people have towards their existence, the same attachment is seen in the chaste women for their husband. She doesn't stand still untill her husband is pleased. She has the power to induce life into the lifeless body of the husband just like Sati Behula. Hence, chastity is an object of sadhana. If someone is not chaste by birth, one can not be chaste in actual terms. To be the parents of such a chaste girl is a matter of destiny. It needs a lot of good deeds. A Chaste girl makes the whole clan holy. Wherever they go, they leave their golden imprints there by everything prosperous. Lakshmi,Saraswati come along with them. The children of their wombs are no less than dieties (devas). Normally, it is seen that the girls who have attachment towards their father before marriage, is seen to have devotion towards their husband. [Alochana Prasange, (4/01/1946) Vol.7,4th ed]

Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Interdependenceof Different Varnas ===================================== The organizational structure of the Varna system has been so constituted that the different Varnas cannot but be inter-dependent. Moreover, it embodies such a happy adjustment that none can ignore another by being unbalanced on account of pride caused by honour, political authority, economic resources or physical strength. The Vipra occupies a unique position of reverence and honour due to his renunciation, moral excellence and superior service. His wields a great influence over the society. But this Vipra has hardly any material wealth in his hands. People are his only assets. On one side, he enjoys enormous social esteem, but he has to embrace a life of voluntary poverty. And he has to depend for his subsistence on the loving oblations of people. So, social dignity does seldom get any scope to make him unbalanced. The Kshatriyas are the kings. They have tremendous power in their hands. But they are not the owners of wealth. The economic power mainly belongs to the Vaishya. Moreover, a king will have to conduct his administration under the guidance of a selfless Vipra or a God-realized man. So, royal power can hardly make him insolent. Again, though the Vaishyas own material resources, they will have to submit the dictates for Brahminical and martial authority. Otherwise, they will have to be subjected to social and political chastisement. So, in the Varnashramic society the Vaishya cannot afford to move according to his sweet will though he possesses money. And though the Sudras are endowed with tremendous physical strength, they will have to use it for the benefit of the society. So, a compete harmony and co-ordination exists in the social organism as it has to exist in our physical system. As brain, heart, lungs, liver, spleen and different organs mutually uphold, protect, help, and fulfill one another and thus maintain their existence intact by contributing to the life and vigour of the entire system, so also the harmonious and co-operative move of different Varnas serve to maintain themselves and also the entire Varnashramic society intact. [An Integral Philosophy of Life, page 141-142]