Sunday, 27 July 2014

The memorable message from Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (The Then CM of West Bengal) in regard to Satsang Organisation: “I know that Satsang of Pabna has been carrying on philanthropic and educational work with great distinction amongst the people of Bengal and India, irrespective of caste, creed and community. Any help to Satsang would help the cause of Indian People.” Sd./ B.C.Roy Chief Minister, West Bengal, 16th August, 1948. [Excerpts from “Mahamanaber Sagartire” (2nd Part) by Kumar Krishna Bhattacharya] The another memorable message from Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (The Then CM of West Bengal) in regard to Satsang Organisation: “Satsang is a unique institution of its kind and there has been at Satsang an unusual combination of the spiritual and material and the institution is a genuine sustained attempt to secure the best of the old and the new, the Eastern and the Western to balance education with industry and to enshrine the brotherhood of man. Owing to the political changes in the country the institution is confronted with serious problem of rehabilitation.As the institution is doing substantial work in education, industry, art, social service and religion for the benefit of the country, it has become necessary that everyone should help it with all his might.” Sd./ B.C.Roy Chief Minister, West Bengal, 13th Sept.1948. [Excerpts from “Mahamanaber Sagartire” (2nd Part) by Kumar Krishna Bhattacharya]

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