Thursday, 24 July 2014

WAY OF ACHEIVING SELF-CONTROL (Discourses with an Indian seer Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra) ===================================== Question: What is the way of acheiving self-control? Thakur: At first we have to understand the need of self-control. We see that the reason behind self-control is the want for our Being. We want our Being. Whatever we do in lieu of our Being is our Pravritti or Passion. If we loose the existence, then we can not enjoy the passions(enjoyment of passion here means meaningful adjustment of passion). Passion lies in the shelter of Being. Hence the passions should be enjoyed in such an adjusted way that they do not hamper the nourishment of the Being. There comes the concept of Self-control. Suppose I am greedy of sweets. I want to consume sweets but do not want to get consumed by them. When passion exploits our Being, then we have to resist. This is called (Self) control. But this can not be done by words alone. When the passion strengthens it's clutches, then it becomes nearly impossible to control. That's the reason, that above everything, there is Love. If there is active adherence towards the Ideal,then our passions also serve HIM. Hence, surrender (to the Ideal) is so much needed. Then we feel bad to do anything against the will of Ideal. Even we stop thinking those things which are against HIS wishes. If you carefully observe a devout child, a chaste wife and a master-loving dog, you shall see how easy and spontaneous is self-control in their lives. They do not have to try hard for this. And it is this kind of self-control which persists. Otherwise, to do self-control by force, some unwanted incident may occur at any moment. The passions should also be fulfilling to each other. IF each and every passion doesn't fulfill each other, if there is conflict within them, if they are kept as in a water compartment (in various sections), If they lack adjustment among them, if they do not serve the Being by mutual assistance towards each other,then there is no self control. If any of the above things are violated, then the whole Being is endangered. Therefore, with all the passions, one should love and serve the Ideal. That makes the passions integrated and well-adjusted. This is the simple path as I understand. To love HIM, serve HIM and please HIM is my duty. What more do I want? Ref. [Alochana Prasange, 24/01/1946] (Discourses)

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