Thursday, 24 July 2014

Story of a clove : Alertness in every action Thakur Anukulchandra used to take clove as a mouth-freshener. Once at Deoghar, while taking a clove (along with few betel-nut pieces), accidentrally it fell down somewhere in the ground. Thakur became anxious and started searching that single clove. People around Thakur also joined to search that clove. Evening was knocking and hence people had to arrange 2-3 torchlights too. Is it that much important to put so much time for a simple clove when plenty of such was easily available ! Finally, after 50 minutes, Thakur only got that clove from a fold of the ground-black-carpet. It was indeed a great relieve for him and all! Thakur used to tell – we should not neglect any small thing. The habit of negligence will invite greater trouble in near future. Also, Thakur used to tell – if something is stolen from your house, it’s insult for you. You were not alert. Thakur wanted highest level of alertness of all of our sensory organs for the life-n-growth. {Ref : Book "Priyaparam" (1st edition) by Sri Debiprasad Mukherjee}

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