Tuesday, 22 July 2014

EFFECTS OF NAM DHYAN (MEDITATION AND HOLY NAME) ON HEALTH ========================================================================== ¤ NAM DHYAN INCREASES THE CLARITY OF VISION "Doing regular Nam Dhyan increases the vision of eye. After doing Nam Dhyan, one should look at the 'green distant horizon' for some time. This should be done regularly." Ref. [Alochana Prasange, Vol. 15, 7/1/1949] ****************************************­********** ¤ IMPORTANCE OF SHAVASANA (शवासन) "Shavasana regulates and controls the body system. By practising Shavasana, Heart failures and many such sudden accidental diseases can be averted." Ref. [Alochana Prasange, Vol.20, 30/12/1951] ************************* ¤NAME CAN CURE DISEASES "Everything nurturing the existence relates to HIM. Repetition of the Holy Name Cures many diseases. The depth to which the Name is repeated, the immunity power also increases to the same extent. With Name, various changes and developments occur in our mind and body. Those changes are very easy and normal." Ref.[Alo: Pra. Vol. 16, 3/4/1949]

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